Build-In Bulk Feature

Posted about 9 years ago by Maximilian Karre

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Maximilian Karre

Is it possible to implement  a "bulk add" feature to  add different variations of the customized product to the shopping cart all at one time. 

Right now each shirt size and quantity must be added separately then you have to go back to order the next size and quantity. 

Which is a very sloppy, if you want to buy the same customization in different variations and pieces.

13 Votes


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Regan posted over 3 years ago

Any advice on how to get the variations to work? I have been trying for days now and no luck. Cant get the layout correct either!

0 Votes


Luke Breen posted over 5 years ago

Hi Radykal, the "WooCommerce Bulk Variations" plugin works well and I'm glad it integrates properly with the WooCommerce Variations.

To make the Bulk Variations applicable to real world businesses, we really need the ability to add "Dynamic Bulk Discounts" that integrate with the Fancy Product Designer to allow us to offer discounts when customers buy multiple sizes of their custom design.

So far, to achieve this functionality I've experimented with many plugins. None seem to integrate the pricing rules on the "Single Product Page". The best pricing plugin I've found is called "Woo Discount Rules", this offers the ability to create "Staged Pricing" dependent on the product, but again does not integrate with the Price on the "Single Product Page" which basically means that as the customers uses the "WooCommerce Bulk Variations" form, they can't see the potential discounts until they visit their cart.

Do you think you could add this functionality to one of your plugins so that we can use the Fancy Product Designer for businesses that want to offer bulk discounts?

Thanks in advance.


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

Another standalone plugin is coming soon:

Here you can use your variable products and the users have the possibility to select multiple variations at once and add these at once to the cart. Its fully compatible with FPD.

0 Votes


Christopher A Malley posted over 6 years ago

That is a nice time saver.

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 8 years ago Admin

This is added an own add-on for Fancy Product Designer, available for WordPress/WooCommerce and JQuery.

0 Votes


Bastien posted almost 8 years ago

That's great news! 

1) We would definitely use it for multiple variation attributes (size & colors) but might also need to allow bulk order even if there's only one attribute (colors).

2) We'd use the attributes from our WooCommerce variations (the global attributes configured in "Products > Attributes").

3) I'm glad to hear about a dynamic pricing option as I think the best way to handle dynamic pricing with FPD is to have this feature handled directly within FPD and not by a third-party plugin. Here are a few important points that we'd like to see covered by a Dynamic Pricing within FPD :

  • An option to exclude the base price. We'd like to be able to set discounts only to the added elements. This could be a drop-down menu : Apply discount to [All, Elements Only]
  • We should be able to see the applied discounts on the front-end somewhere (preferably near the table to make bulk orders) and have control over what's displayed with before/after text and percentage/absolute values (i.e: Save 15$, 10% OFF, etc.). It would update in real-time when you update the order quantity(ies).
  • The usual %/$ discount with different quantity trigger points. Discounts by quantity should be calculated by designs, not by products (so two different designs of the same product won't enable a volume discount altogether).
  • An option to enable a multi-design rebate, so if you order two or three different custom products you can get a special discount.
  • Eventually, a nice option would be to be able to set discounts by user role.
  • An option to schedule discounts. Example, you have dynamic pricing set sitewide for all custom products and you decide to run a promotion for a month just on the products from category ID 15 where you give an extra 20% off.
  • We should be able to set the dynamic pricing sitewide for all custom products, for only a specific category ID or by single fancy-product.

Hope this gives you some good insight!

All best,

0 Votes


Anthony Circosta posted almost 8 years ago

Hi @radykal ... thanks for addressing this bulk uploader issue. Do you have a timeline when this plugin will be ready to download?

my thoughts: great plugin... 

1. Just the sizes will be fine. The visual element of FCP product variation will accompany the bulk order sizes as a line item in the cart...then you add another color. This is nice organization in the cart to see a visual for each style of clothing via product thumb, and then how many of each size you need to supply. For example, white tees with a logo on the front with 3 smalls will be on one line, and black tee with the logo on the front with 3 med and 5 larges will be the next line item...., so on and so forth. 

2. I would like to set the attributes in the settings, not automatically import from that products variations

3. Dyanamic pricing would be nice. For example, if a white shirt costs $10 each for sizes S - XL, but XXL costs $12 and XXXL costs $ would be nice to configure this in the bulk uploader so the prices calculate accurately in the total...

Hope this helps and please let us know when you expect to have this plugin complete by! Thanks!

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 8 years ago Admin

Guys...this will be added in an own add-on for FPD. But I need some information in order to make the best of it.

  1. Do you want to use it for one variation attribute (Size: L, XL, M...) or for multiple (Size: L, XL, M..., Color: Blue, Red...)?
  2. Do you want to populate the attributes from your WooCommerce variations or would you like to set the attributes in FPD settings?
  3. Do you need dynamic pricing or just add the price of one product. E.g. one product costs 30$, user uses the form to order 1xL, 2xS, so in total 90$.

0 Votes


Shaun Grady posted about 8 years ago

To get you started on the code here is a plugin that is similar but the developer just did not have the time time or effort to put in it.

0 Votes


Shaun Grady posted about 8 years ago

I have been looking for this feature in a good plugin. If it was made by radykal then it would be by far the best on the wordpress market and I would trust it for my site. PLEASE ADD IT!!!

0 Votes


venkattushar posted about 8 years ago

actually this feature will make this app complete in every way. want to see this feature as soon as possible.

0 Votes


nancy_111 posted about 8 years ago

Hello, when we can be calculated with this function? Thanks


0 Votes


Alex B posted over 8 years ago

Is this option allready available ?

0 Votes


Maximilian Karre posted over 8 years ago

Is this feature included in the new version? If not, can we still hope for it?


0 Votes


John Simmons posted over 8 years ago

This would be awesome.


0 Votes


Hendrik Sommer posted almost 9 years ago

Would love to see this as a new feature! Hope this update will be released soon :)

0 Votes


Bastien posted almost 9 years ago

Hoping to see variation support soon too

0 Votes


tinhthi101 posted almost 9 years ago

This feature is very useful for my business too. Hope it come soon!

0 Votes


Gregory posted almost 9 years ago

Any chance this is coming soon?

0 Votes


Diana Turk posted almost 9 years ago

Hello, as of 1 month ago we had about 5 list items that had to be checked off before e can launch our site. These other four can and have been addressed and are ready to go!!!!. While not perfect we still need your plugin to be completed so that we can complete our project. Could you please give us an date on which you plan to release your update  "bulk product option" to your plugin? This has been marked planned two months ago and we have been waiting patiently for this new update to be released and look forward to completing our project. We have had  a few smaller issues that I have been able to write code to formulate a "work-a-round". This is the last piece of the puzzle that we absolutely need to mark our product(s) complete and ready to "go live".  I see that I am not the only customer interested in and waiting for your update.
Could we please have an estimate as to when you will be releasing this much anticipated update? Once again....nice work and we appreciate your diligence. Thank You!

We have no problem to giving you credit for your wonderful work but really need this option embedded into your plugin to make our website function in the way that we can launch, market and get our program moving! Could you please give a date


0 Votes


Bajrang posted almost 9 years ago

Same problem is faced by me also . Customer feedback is too improve on bulk orders.

0 Votes


Maximilian Karre posted almost 9 years ago

I would also like to know that 

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Diana Turk posted almost 9 years ago

Is this planned feature going to be happening soon?


0 Votes


Diana Turk posted about 9 years ago

I purchased that plugin and had the same result. They were nice enough to refund the money that I spent though!


0 Votes


Luke Breen posted about 9 years ago

We definitely need better integration with WooCommerce. Variations should be taking into account, plus custom options should be listed and output onto the single product page, cart and checkout. The ability to amend the product variation and / or custom options should be available from any of these locations. Otherwise asking a visitor to start the whole process again will definitely lead to lost sales.

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