Process automation

Posted over 9 years ago by Felix

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First of all - a wunderful product you gave us with FancyProductDesigner!

As we plan to do some automation for order processing, it would be nice to have the following possibilities:

- automatically export FancyProduct with completion of an order

- therefor it would be nice to be able to define default export settings for a product

- exclude layers or images from export (like Paddaman requested earlier)

- callback hook (to do further processing like converting RGB-PDF to CMYK-PDF and so on..)

Is it possible to add (at least some of) the requested features?

If not, any suggestions or workarounds?

Thanx a lot!

24 Votes


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Andreas posted over 5 years ago

Update: It's not looking too good right now. Seems they can't find out what is causing this, and have given up on it.

I'd love to hear if anyone else are experiencing the same problems.

There are two issues:

  1. If I place a logo on a product and move/scale it afterwards, it is not position correctly in the link from the e-mail. It is scaled down and moved way off to the left. The Admin site Download is working fine, except for:
  2. On smaller PrintBoxes (I think), if I place an image all the way to the edge, it is cropped off slightly, even though the Page size is correct. See attached GIF.

0 Votes


Andreas posted over 5 years ago

For anyone following this, there seems to be some issues, at least for my part. Some design-elements are not positioned or sized correctly in the generated PDFs, in all my tests so far. I have created a ticket, and Radykal is helping me, so hopefully he will have it sorted soon. I will keep this post updated with my results.

0 Votes


Andreas posted over 5 years ago

Of course, I meant €20/month.. first month, then 40. So it's about $270-275/year. I'd expect a solid product for that price.

I just subscribed and the first test was not good: The file generated from the link in the e-mail was not the same as the one downloaded from the Admin site. The first page/view is not sized the same as the Print Box, as you can see from the attached files.

0 Votes


Andreas posted over 5 years ago

Is there no way to try this before we buy? I'd like to make sure it works before we pay €20/week. If it doesn't, is there a refund option?

I would think that you are expecting a few bugs with this, surprised you aren't letting people in to test it properly first.

Anyone else tried it out?

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

Included in V3.9.2

Its part of the next feature "Automated Export" which is only available in the ADMIN solution and the premium plan. More infos can be found here:

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

The long waited feature "Automated Export" is ready for the beta stage. 
The automated export will mail a print-ready file whenever an order is made to selected recipients (customer and shop owner).
Before we are going to release it, we would like to test it with selected clients. If you want to be part of this beta, please create a ticket in our support center and select "Fancy Product Designer - ADMIN" in the Topic dropdown. You also need an account in our ADMIN solution and a site thats connected with the ADMIN.

0 Votes


baroninn vefhönnun posted almost 6 years ago

so, christmas is coming..... I think this will be neccesary before that time.

do you think it will be ready by then ?

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enricgomez posted almost 6 years ago

I hope it's done early...:

- automatically export FancyProduct with completion of an order


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Fulvio posted almost 6 years ago

Any news?

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baroninn vefhönnun posted over 6 years ago

Where can I download the BETA version for testing ?

0 Votes


Russell Mayo posted over 6 years ago

Thanks Radykal,

This will help, although pre-setting the export functions (JPG, SVG etc.) and automatically exporting to a folder onto the server when they click 'add to card' or 'send' in the form would be helpful too.

That way all the designs are in a single folder waiting to be used when needed.

Is this possible?


0 Votes


David Fozdar posted over 6 years ago

I would definitely like to be part of the beta.

Exporting PNG files is necessary for me, that is, since they allow you to preserve transparency. I print customer designs containing both photographs and text, so the preservation of transparency is required. I print from PNG and PDF files.  At 300 dpi, printing text from a PNG file looks good (for my application), though PDF files have the advantage of having embedded fonts and preserving the layers. Since I don't print large products, I don't have to expand my customer's images or text upon export. I simply adjust the image upload requirements (pixel requirements in the individual product settings) for each of my Fancy Products then set the pixel dimensions of the Fancy Products to the actual pixel dimensions of the printed products. If a Fancy Product has large pixel dimensions, I scale it down on the frontend (on my website) using CSS as opposed to scaling (expanding) the design when I export it.

The beta should have the options to set up what is exported and where everything is to be exported. Options to export would be the file type, specific (selected) layers, and scale. Also, if a bounding box is used, then there should be an option to export only the bounding box area instead of the entire product canvas; thus, if only the area of the bounding box is exported, then any part of an exported layer outside the bounding box would get clipped. Uploaded images should have their preserved pixel dimensions so they have the required resolution when they are expanded upon export. If a customer adds text to a customized product and the design is to be expanded upon export, then the file has to be exported as a PDF file with the embedded font so that the text has sufficient resolution after being expanded.

In a perfect world, the export feature could auto-convert an exported PDF file to a PNG file, say, for backend users that primarily deal with PNGs. In other words, the plugin would export an expanded PDF with embedded fonts and preserving the exported layers and create a PNG copy of the PDF file. Then we would have both a PDF and PNG copy of the exported design. This would save some time for those that deal only with PNG files.

0 Votes


Bastien posted over 6 years ago

Would really like to use something like that! I'll definitely register for the beta.

Sending an e-mail with all attachments to an admin would be great, optionally in a zip file. If PDF/SVG's are well supported (i.e: troubles with the fonts) it's probably best but like Andreas said a hi-res PNG works too. Support for multiple views and the possibility to remove the background layer, or a layer with a specific name, is critical.

When multiple layers are used and we export all layers, the resolution of the source file should be used. Currently, if you remove the background layer and export all layers at once with a scale factor of x2, FPD takes a snapshot of the staging area and increase the size of the snapshot by 2, effectively loosing quality.

Looking forward to test the beta!

0 Votes


Christian Nießing posted over 6 years ago

yey that's cool! I think it would be nice to select elements you want to exclude from export (like in admin solution for fancy product designer) as well as set the basic settings like output file, image format, View(s), scaling etc...

I'd love to test the beta.

0 Votes


Andreas posted over 6 years ago

Good news, and good plan!

JPEG to us, is probably the least used of the supplied formats, due to lack of transparency-support. I think that applies to most people doing screen printing. High resolution PNG (300 dpi) works well. We could also use PDF or SVG, but have had some troubles with the fonts, mostly that information about line height and letter spacing is lost when exporting.

0 Votes


Dean Starnes posted over 6 years ago

I would happily pay for this plugin. Ideally I sell downloadable print files so it would be great if the file that was available for them to download was also re-sized correctly.

0 Votes


John Warts posted over 6 years ago

Yea This is seriously the most important thing to use this plugin efficiently.


0 Votes


Andreas posted almost 7 years ago

This is a two year old post, and it has still not been implemented. Many much less important features have been added during this time. Sure, we have different needs, but you need to see the importance of this, Radykal.

Some points:

  • There are many posts here about this same thing.
  • We're willing to pay for it, wouldn't cost you an thing.
  • You could even hire someone else to do write the changes if you don't have time.
  • And then you could even sell it as another add-on, or just add to the main plugins price.
  • It would greatly improve your good product and it's value.

0 Votes


Dean Starnes posted almost 7 years ago

I know - these features are a must have. As well as non-printing layers, you should be able to toggle layer visibility so you can show and hide guides and bleeds etc.

0 Votes


Andreas posted almost 7 years ago

Agreed – I would also gladly pay to see improvement on the production part of this plugin. Very important.

0 Votes


Chris Murray posted over 7 years ago

Where are we at with this?!!!!!

This one missing capability is ruining the entire plugin!

0 Votes


Robin Nilsson posted over 7 years ago

I would also pay for these features! This is a huge dealbreaker.

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Efbi posted over 7 years ago

Definitely agree ! I could pay now for that !

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Bastien posted about 8 years ago

It would indeed be quite nice if we could automatically export the final design / layers and send these as attachments or a zip file with an email.

0 Votes


jessicab posted over 8 years ago

This is a good idea! I would love for the image export in the backend to either be automated and available to the customer to export/download a high resolution image. For my workflow (downloadable images), it makes no sense (and is very time consuming) for me to have to export every order and email the image. It needs to be automatic.


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