Drop down menu

Posted over 9 years ago by Adam Keen

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Adam Keen

Instead of a floating dialog box could you make it so when a user clicks the bottons at the top it drops down as a window/menu and a *done* button to make changes to make it disappear again.

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Adam Keen posted over 8 years ago

The new update is exciting to test my only suggestion now would be to merge the Add image & choose from designs together so it's all one *ADD* menu. "Add image/design"

Also I've noticed the colour options/other options now attaches to the layer as apposed to a floating dialog box with the UI changing which is understandable but this is not attached to the menu like suggested. I do like the style of it however it conflicts with some of my layers I use for background options that are to the size of the FPD frame so the dialog for option is appearing outside the frame by wrapping to the layer. It also seems to happen when adding a photo, if the picture if scaled to frame size the options appear outside is there a way to appear inside instead of outside?


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

Improved in 3.0.0. Now you can select between different layouts.

0 Votes


Steven posted almost 9 years ago

how to set design in specific area where i need? please help me which option i will use?


0 Votes


Gregory posted almost 9 years ago

We thought of this as well. As far as I can tell so far it seems the FPD does not know what shirt color has been selected in the MSPC so Ink Colors cannot be limited. This would be a great addition though.

0 Votes


Morgan Creech posted almost 9 years ago

Thanks #Gregory this works for my site! 

I have a specific question regarding your site. I see that you are using the Woocommerce multistep configuration plugin along with Fancy Product Designer. Before I purchase this additional woocommerce plugin, can you tell me if you can set specific colors (i.e. Text and images) per t-shirt color selection? 

For example, when I'm on your site and I choose a white t-shirt, the ink colors that show up still include white. Obviously you don't want to print white on a white shirt, so can you assign specific ink colors to each shirt color selection?


0 Votes


Gregory posted almost 9 years ago

I also placed the code in my theme custom css.

0 Votes


Bryan Gray posted almost 9 years ago

I found that the code needs to go in my theme's custom css.

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Adam Keen posted almost 9 years ago

#morgan it did that for me also I think the plugin overwrites css in the FPD  settings unless you add !important like you have done for your other css  modifications. Alternatively add it to your websites css then it won't be ignored.


0 Votes


Morgan Creech posted almost 9 years ago

#Gregory or #Bryan Gray - Can you send a screen shot of the custom CSS in FPD plugin? 

Screen shot attached of where I put my custom CSS for FPD. 

I tried the code that Bryan posted but it doesn't work. 


0 Votes


Diana Turk posted almost 9 years ago

Thank you Rafael. We really like FPD and are anxiously waiting your update!


0 Votes


Adam Keen posted almost 9 years ago

Look forward to the update :) Thanks Rafael.

#Bryan Gray - work great added to site css instead of FPD css settings and don't get overwritten now. Thanks for sharing those!


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 9 years ago Admin

Guys I am going to start with the next big update soon. 

It will allows you to create different layouts. So you can choose the best user interface for your business.

0 Votes


Gregory posted almost 9 years ago

Added the transparency by Bryan Gray above and I think it looks great on our site. Great mod.


0 Votes


Adam Keen posted almost 9 years ago

Oh no not full window its not really blending with your website then. I like the replace product image its just I wish there was dropdown menus for the options and possible more quick link icons for text and images instead of using the menus.

#Bryan Gray - tried those css chnages but they don't work for me seems like somethings overriding them and no transparency.


0 Votes


sylvain Caré posted almost 9 years ago

the ideal (for me) would be the same interface as in the opencart Version, 

0 Votes


Bryan Gray posted almost 9 years ago

Hoping the developer will come up with a solution for the floating dialog box very soon. In the meantime, I've found that giving the background some transparency makes the box a little more tolerable for the end user.

I added the following to my custom CSS to create a dark transparent box. It also changes the text to make it more legible on the dark background. I'll attach a couple of screenshots to show how it looks.


.fpd-context-dialog {

    width: 400px;

    background: rgba(56, 56, 56, 0.85);


.fpd-content-edit .fpd-list-row.fpd-sub-option label {

    color: #FFFFFF;

    font-size: 12px;

    text-transform: uppercase;

    font-weight: 700;


.fpd-list-row i {

    font-size: 20px;

    font-weight: 900;

    color: #ffffff;


.fpd-list-row>div {

    padding: 12px 0;

    color: white;



0 Votes


Adam Keen posted almost 9 years ago

Yeah everything should reside within the product designer window using drop down menu like previously suggested it would of been more user friendly and also the share feature should be incorporated into the save, load & print menu I think it conflicts with other share icons for the general product page. Also as K Veld mentioned the fixed locations for the dialog covers the design window. I suppose this would be okay if you were wanting to open it up in lightbox full width but not for replace product image. Also the drop down menu idea would then make the plugin mobile friendly. Just my thoughts...

0 Votes


Brendan Singbeil posted almost 9 years ago

+1 for the drop down menu option - this would make it much more clear what can be customized rather than having the customer just clicking on random art to find out.

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K Veld posted almost 9 years ago

I really don't like the floating menu. It should be clear what you can do as customer in just one view. 

Also, the floating menu is overlapping my menu. And it is in front of the "in cart" button. And the fixed position overlaps the design so i cannot use that

0 Votes


King Rosales posted almost 9 years ago

Awesome! thanks. This made it much faster to customize the look.


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Adam Keen posted almost 9 years ago

I think the fixed position is the answer :(


0 Votes


K Veld posted almost 9 years ago

Is the idea from the topic starter still to be implemented or is the fixed position the asnwer?

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sandra susin posted about 9 years ago

hi, can i make the floating designer open from the start and not by clicking "add"?

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 9 years ago Admin

Since version 2.1.0 you can set a fixed position to left or right.

0 Votes


Morgan Creech posted about 9 years ago

When will this feature be implemented? 

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