
New Features

  • Fancy Product Designer got its own menu in the main navigation
  • Now you can use it also without woocommerce
  • Overhaul Design that works better on mobile devices
  • More options
  • More positioning options for the Product Designer in a WooCommerce product
  • Include Product Designer in posts/pages via shortcodes
  • Get all custom added elements in the Order Viewer
  • Create a new Fancy Product from a received Order
  • Load a demo right away from the admin
  • Include multiple Fancy Products in a single Product Designer
  • Categorize your Fancy Products
  • Set custom prices for every view
  • Upload Zones supports faceboob/instagram photos now
  • Set filters for images: Grayscale, 2 different sepia

Downloadable products

If you enable a product as downloadable, all export features like „download PDF“, „save as image“ etc. are disabled in the product designer. If the order is completed, the customer is able to download the product on the product page.

Fixed Bugs

  • Product Image reverts back to variation image when using lightbox mode with variable products


  • The item id is used in the pdf name when exporting a pdf in the order details