Enhanced Lightbox Designer Suggestions: Mobile Gestures for Canvas Movement & Customizable Full Screen Setting

Please consider implementing mobile gesture behavior for canvas movement, not just zoom.

Currently, after using the magnifying glass, users need to press the cross icon to move the canvas. However, many users may not be aware of this button's existence. Most users want a convenient and intuitive design experience without having to study too many functions.

Additionally, it would be more convenient if the moving cross icon is displayed permanently.

I have another issue with using the lightbox. It would be great if the lightbox could be set to display in a partial screen rather than full screen. For example, being able to set the ratio to occupy 75% of the full screen in the center. If it is not full screen, the overall viewing experience would be better, or a customizable option would be more convenient.

Furthermore, if the design thumbnail on the order could display all view designs, it would be beneficial as well.

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