
  • Bug: Fixed two security vulnerabilities reported by Patchstack
  • Bug: Alert appears when adding product to the cart using the lightbox mode

3 people like this
  • Hi, the alert still appears when adding product to cart using the lightbox mode for variable products even after the update!

  • @Bakri Please create a support ticket.

  • Hello, it's the same for me, even after the update! The warning still appears when you add a product to the shopping cart and use the lightbox mode for variable products.

  • Hi, me again. There is another error. This one is only when FPD and WooCommerce are enabled. The clear button of WooCommerce on variable products does not clear the selected variable product, but adds a product to the cart. This function works on all pages with products that do not use FPD.

    I don't know if it is important. I'm using the latest version of Wordpress, WooCommerce and the Hello theme from Elementor.

  • Actually this should be fixed. Please reinstall from codecanyon again.

  • It worked for me after i deleted woocommerce from the file manager and installed it again.

  • If delete the plugin from wp-admin I think the setting loss. Using ftp will be better.. am I true?
  • The website settings for woocommerce are stored in the database and not in the plugin files, so deleting and reinstalling the plugin won't cause any loss of settings or content.

  • After I reinstalled woocommerce the alert is no longer there. However, the problem with the clear-button still exists.