
  • New: More help context with a new Get Started Screen and tips. You can turn off all help context in advanced settings.

  • New: Added another export method (Pro Export > Node Canvas + SVG2PDF (Beta)). This is a combination of node canvas and SVG2PDF. Text will be exported as vector. Only text with curved, shadow, opacity and pattern will be exported as bitmap image (like in node-canvas). Please test this export method with your orders because this will become the standard export method in the future.

  • Improvement: Some Printful products are not supported because of some extra options that we are currently not visualising in our solution. Now only supported Printful products will be shown.

  • The new function Node Canvas + SVG2PDF (Beta) is currently totally not usable for curved text. The text is to pixelated to turn it into vector.  The old Node Canvas still messes up curved text.

    Ideally the curved text should still be svg. Maybe like "
    create outlines" in illustrator so the text is completely turned into vector info.

    1 person likes this
  • If I activate Node Canvas + SVG2PDF in the Pro export, PDF export is no longer possible in the normal basic export. No PDF+PNG is created

    1 person likes this
  • Furthermore, the question remains as to how it is possible to use the Pro Export to get the additional information from the basic export into the PDF.

  • The import function don't work: 

    Create Product From: Import. 

  • Avec la dernière mise à jour du plugin, le module de recherche de produits sur la page « Product Builder » a disparu ! De plus, la page « Product Builder » elle-même ne fonctionne plus : elle continue de se charger indéfiniment. Qu'as-tu fait ?

  • With the latest plugin update, the product search module on the "Product Builder" page has disappeared! Additionally, the "Product Builder" page itself no longer functions—it just keeps loading indefinitely. What did you do?

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