
Posted 2 months ago by Rafael D

  • Topic is Locked
Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

  • Bug: Text is not synced when empty using textLinkGroup

  • Bug: Wrong CSS class for align tool

  • Bug: When ruler is enabled, the preview and download action does not work

  • Bug. Patterns wrapper is duplicated for text

  • Improvement: Check required fields when submitting form in Gravity Form

  • Improvement: Close button for zoom wrapper

  • Improvement: Ruler size calculation & style

  • New: Choose specific design categories you want to use in the Designs module in main settings (General > Modules > Designs section)

  • New Ruler Options: Set position of ruler and set ruler to always be visible (General > Actions > Ruler section)

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Markus Dangl posted 2 months ago

I usually have a red notification bar with the update notification in the top line. Now I only have the install button at the bottom right.

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Markus Dangl posted 2 months ago

I am not offered an option for the update.

In the Envato Market PlugIn I only have the option to install. But not to update. When I try to install it, an error message appears because the plug-in folder already exists?

Do I have to delete the current version, or is this a bug in the update routine?

So far the updates have worked without deleting the plugin.

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