
Posted 6 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

  • New: "Multiple Elements Selection" option | Users can select multiple elements simultaneously by holding down the left mouse button

  • New: Option for viewThumbnailsWrapper to display view thumbnails inside main wrapper of designer

  • Bug: Searching and selecting products by category in products backend not working

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Markus Dangl posted 5 months ago

I still have the problem that customers don't understand that with a design on the back of an item.

The following often happens:

Customer switches to the second view and unlocks it (optional view). -> The set price for this view is added to the product price

Customer designs the reverse side.

Customer locks the reverse side again -> Price for the view is deducted.

Customer places the product in the shopping cart.

Now we either have to renegotiate with the customer or produce the reverse side free of charge.

There should be a note for the customer in the design window that appears when the view is unlocked.

There should also be a second message when the customer locks this view again.

That would be for my store:

Unlock: "You can now design the back. The surcharge has been added to the product price."

Lock: "The back has been locked and will not be engraved. The surcharge has been deducted from the product price"

I know, there is a hint. But it is placed at the bottom left so that it is almost invisible. Especially on a smartphone.

It also only appears briefly. I think the notice should be placed directly above the view and confirmed by the user.

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Marco Polo Alcantara Lopez posted 6 months ago

Can you help me with this mistake?

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Marco Polo Alcantara Lopez posted 6 months ago

when i will add a new product, the plugin doesn't add it

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theodoros kyprianou posted 6 months ago


Same problem with @Dawn Cannon
also, when Loading Saved products.

0 Votes

Dawn Cannon

Dawn Cannon posted 6 months ago

When edited product is added to cart, All views are locked even after item is paid for.. Customer cannot view. Is there a place for me it disable this?

1 Votes


Bandaska posted 6 months ago

New products wont add to product choser even if i duplicate(working ones) them in backend.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 6 months ago Admin

@Marco In settings > Addons > View Thumbnails

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Marco posted 6 months ago

Where can I find this option? 

  • New: Option for viewThumbnailsWrapper to display view thumbnails inside main wrapper of designer

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