
Posted 8 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

  • New: Icon for views grid added in views nav

  • New: Close button for element toolbar on large screen when using sidebar layout

  • Bug: getUsecColors returns the wrong amount of colors

  • Bug: addEvents not working properly for window

  • Bug: Effect filter is not applied to png images

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 7 months ago Admin


I will add that to the fix list.

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Tiago Alexandre Sil Lapa Lapa posted 7 months ago

@radykal there is a bug

When you apply a SVG mask to crop image, that crop is not being reflected on 3d preview 

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erkanuzdur posted 7 months ago

How can i change view icon?

0 Votes


V.I. posted 7 months ago

@Markus Dangl Thank you very much. I am very grateful to you. You solved one of my problems :)

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Markus Dangl posted 7 months ago

@V.I . This is simple HTML-Code.
<h4>Eine Gravur auf der Rückseite ist mit Aufpreis verbunden.</h4>

Text bold:
<b>Sperrt ihr diese nach der Gestaltung wieder, wird sie von uns nicht graviert!</b>

Use the tag </br> for the line break
Wenn du zur Rückseite wechselst, musst du diese zuerst freischalten.<br />

Sobald du sie freigeschalten hast, wird der Aufpreis zum Produktpreis addiert.<br />

If you want to insert a link:
<h3><a href="https://youtu.be/kolq18pDtcM" target="_blank">Anleitungsvideo</a></h3><br />

h3: Linktext should be Heading 3
Target should be a new browser page
</br> line brake after link

Here you can find some things that will certainly help you.
HTML Text Formatting (w3schools.com) 

1 Votes


V.I. posted 7 months ago

@Markus Dangl  How did you format the text in info content? For example, to write in bold or in rows. I would appreciate it very much if you would answer me.

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Markus Dangl posted 8 months ago

Ok. I have opened a ticket

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 8 months ago Admin


That should be actually fixed in latest version, please clear your cache and try again. Otherwise create a ticket.

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Markus Dangl posted 8 months ago

Please take a look at this screen recording. The lightbox can no longer be used on smartphones!

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