
Posted 8 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

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Andrew posted 8 months ago

Thanks For the response Rady.  My issue is that I’ve got around 100+ products set up and the way it used to work was I’d enter a mm value and it would convert that to pixels - but now it’s not doing that.  So if I change any of the print sizes on my designs I have to then go through and modify the whole design for what might just be a very minor tweak.  Why has it changed what it used to do?  Or is there a new setting I’m missing somewhere.  Thanks

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 8 months ago Admin


When entering a metric value for the print size, it will calculate a printing box with the same aspect ratio. The size of the printing box in pixels is not relevant for the printing process, because it uses the print size (metric).

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Andrew posted 8 months ago

Still got the issue that when saving a view settings, if using a Custom Size, it's not converting the print size from MM into Pixels for the print box, it's just transposing whatever size is entered in the MM box into the Pixels box.  Can this please be fixed Rady ASAP?

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