
Posted 9 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

Bug: Compatible with HOPS in WooCommerce (caused that the order viewer in woocommerce order details did not load)

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Marco posted 8 months ago

Another issue: Preview image on mobile is streched to full height of screen.

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Marco posted 8 months ago


Adding QR codes via mobile phone or tablet (Android 14 (phone) / 13 (tablet)) does not work. Tapping the button has no effect. Works fine on desktop PC. In both cases using Chrome.

Any idea?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 9 months ago Admin

This is not added yet and will be added shortly in one of the next updates.

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Falk Broen posted 9 months ago

Where is the crop function in this new version?

We also need borders for uploaded pictures (the user should add and change borders) and the posibility of giving uploaded images a border radius and background shadow. Do you plan to implement this?

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