
Posted 11 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

  • Bug: Changing image in product builder not working

  • Bug: Color Names not showing up

  • Bug: Social shares option leads to an explode error

  • Bug: keyboard control not working

  • Improvement: Curved text aligned to center when changing font

  • Improvement: resetSize of fabric canvas

  • Improvement: Corner control icon for delete changed to bin

  • Bulk Variations Data to Individual Product Settings

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 11 months ago Admin

@nbdayan Indeed the add-text shortcode is not working. Will be fixed in next update. The others are working fine for me.

@Elle Please update to the latest version, that should be fixed in latest version.

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Elle Bolt posted 11 months ago

Am I missing something I can't my Dynamic Design Modules to work in the UI composer. When I add the Dynamic Design Module and click save it is automatically removed from the UI. The default Design module works fine.

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nbdayan posted 11 months ago

There is a problem with the latest version. The shortcode for "add text", "designs" and "edit text" and "edit layers" does not work.

In previous versions the products shortcode also didn't work. That has been fixed (thanks!) but I still can't use this version as the other shortcodes don't work. The last version where it seemed to work was 4.8.3 and since then the shortcodes show up blank

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Jenny Menz posted 11 months ago


When I try to add this Fancy Product to the Cart, I get this error:

Request Entity Too Large

The requested resource does not allow request data with POST requests, or the amount of data provided in the request exceeds the capacity limit.

Apache Server at www.thewallstickercompany.com.au Port 443

Our host said this:

Hey so this issue is file size related - your file size limit is 250mb on the hosting and have tried changing to 2gb but still an issue.
I think this one might be one to log with the fancy product designer plugin people - there may be a better way to attach the custom designs vs sending a huge file back to the server.

These items have been confirmed by our Host

This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate
memory_limit = 32M
The maximum size of an uploaded file.
upload_max_filesize = 2M
Sets maximum size of post data allowed. This setting also affects file upload. To upload large files, this value must be larger than upload_max_filesize
post_max_size = 3M

Please advise what I can do?  I can't take orders.



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Tas Zsolt posted 11 months ago


With this new version, scale with pinch not working on uploaded images on an android phone with chrome browser. When I try to zoom in or out, the image shrinks and gets out of the canvas. You have to delete and add it again.

Other issue in case of some upload zones that when I try to add an image to it a "Trying to access array offset on value of type bool" error appearing and the upload zone becomes unresponsive.

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Jenny Menz posted 11 months ago

Just following up on my observation - see screen shot in last comment please.


I am still getting the FP overlay on image for our Add On products on the Cart, even though all settings are off in FP.



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Jonathan posted 11 months ago


Is this version working with pro export ? Do you have any demo available ?

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henry dunbar posted 11 months ago

Hi Radykal,

The curved text does now seem to work on font change but still doesn't work on letter spacing. It also doesn't work with changing the text. It sort of randomly jumps to different positions. It also doesn't work if the text had been set to centred or right aligned before curving. It also causes a problem when updating as on the old product designer the text needed to be centre aligned for curved text so all designs need to be manually updated. 

It would seem the best solution would be to lock alignment to centre spacing and then fix centre spacing so that it is in the right position. Then all variations would work(font change, letter spacing, text change etc.)

Many thanks,

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Jenny Menz posted 11 months ago

Hi again,

Since this update, I can no longer see the fonts used in an order, even though I have selected all element properties to be included in the order details.


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Mares posted 11 months ago

When using the ui composer, Save UI button stops working after selecting different User Interface. bug console says: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'i.length') on ui-composer.js on line 30807

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Jenny Menz posted 11 months ago


I am still getting the FP overlay on image for our Add On products on the Cart, even though all settings are off in FP.



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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 11 months ago Admin

@Elle Please go to guided tour section and be sure to select a target for every step in the dropdown.

1 Votes


Elle Bolt posted 11 months ago

Good day rady kal,
Thank you for everything! I have noticed that I'm not able to Save UI or even Save As New in the UI Composer I am not sure if this is isolated to my installation or if there is a bug here. I have attached a screen shot of what I'm able to see in DevTools when I cleck the save button.

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