
Posted 12 months ago by Rafael D

Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

  • Bulk Variations Placement added to Individual Product Settings

  • Bug: Saving order after purchase not working

  • Bug: Resetting curved text

1 Votes


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Gabe10128 posted 11 months ago


Great improvement on the curved text, however the letter spacing option seems to be missing for both curved and regular text. Can this be added back again in the next update?

1 Votes


Martin posted 11 months ago


when is it possible to set a volume discount? 

Thanks for the answer and best regards,

Martin Stiller

1 Votes


Carl Jering posted 11 months ago

envato market plugin still dont show the updates - last 6.0.31

your recommended way for updating dont work!!

even wordpress backend dont show updates for fpd.

every other plugin updates are working - what happened?

0 Votes


henry dunbar posted 12 months ago

I'm finding that designs no longer works. Not sure if anyone else is finding this. It works with the shortcode incidentally but not in the designer itself.

1 Votes


MichiK85 posted 12 months ago

It doesn't use the data: maybe that causes this?

0 Votes


Carl Jering posted 12 months ago

@Michael Kenis

Thanks for the hint. Indeed. When I delete the base64 image (in Browser DevTools), the error is gone.

0 Votes


MichiK85 posted 12 months ago

@Carl Jering Did seen this error as well. It's a base64 image that don't work good. Is there gonna be a fix for this radykal?

0 Votes


Carl Jering posted 12 months ago

fpd causes a layout error in checkout. Was already the case in version 4.

Opened a ticket a few months ago. Answer was, it was added to the fixlist. The error still exists - even in fpd 6.

If I deactivete fpd, layout is ok like to see on the screenshot.

1 Votes


Carl Jering posted 12 months ago

envato market plugin dont show the updates - last is 6.0.31

2 Votes


Markus Dangl posted 12 months ago

I noticed today that there is no longer a product image displayed in the shopping cart.

1 Votes


YURAYNE ALONSO posted 12 months ago

On desktop

  • You cannot duplicate a design or an image.
  • When you set the toolbar to the sidebar, there is no back button, customers don't know how to go back to the other options.

0 Votes


Fabio Vitorino posted 12 months ago

Hi Rady kal, where is "REMOVE WHITE BACKGROUND" for images, it´s very important, please. I buy plugin because this feature.

0 Votes


covololo posted 12 months ago

Hello radykal,

is there a possibility that you can place the multistep in the lightbox? This way the customer would have all the options in one interface. That would be a real added value. 

2 Votes

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