
Posted 12 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

  • Bug: Multiplier for cart item thumbnail was not correct calculated

  • Bug: PHP error for social shares

  • Bug: Color Prices were not working

  • Bug: Exclude tools dropdown not updating to selected values when changing layout

  • Bug: Wrong parameters set when downloading pdf via download action

  • Improvement: Center scaling for curved text

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Kurtis posted 12 months ago

Is anyone else having issues with text when using a mobile phone (iPhone with Safari also tried Chrome).

Add text and enter some text. When trying to resize it using the corner of the text box the size of the text does not change and changing the text size using the tool bar does not change the size either. The text box gets bigger but the text stays the same. 

Tried it on the demo on here too and it does not work will either?


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V.I. posted 12 months ago

Congratulations Radykal. Version 6.0.5 is stable and has solved the biggest bugs so far. There are still some things left to solve that I hope to see in the next updates. Please see my tickets: #88745 and #88747


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin

@henry and @brendan please open a support ticket so I can have a closer look.

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henry dunbar posted 12 months ago

Hi Radykal,
Thank you for the swift updates. I'm still facing the same issues with curved text on version 6.0.5. Do i need to change any settings?

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MichiK85 posted 12 months ago

Let's thanks Radykal for his great effort and work! Fast updates and listening to his customers!! 

1 Votes


Brendan posted 12 months ago

I see with my issue I can adjust the toolbar from "smart" to "sidebar". That works for desktop, but still have the problem off the toolbar taking the entire screen on mobile. Any suggestions?

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Brendan posted 12 months ago

Still having the issue where editing box covers the text or image that the user tries to edit. 

0 Votes


Markus Dangl posted 12 months ago

I don't get any notification about an update in wordpress.

Also the Envato PlugIn still shows me version 6.0.31.

4 Votes