
Posted 12 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

- Bug: WooCommerce currency did not work with fpd shortcode

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Glenn Holberg posted 12 months ago

In the back end when looking at an order and loading product into viewer panel the manage layers function doesn't work properly. In previous versions before 6.0.31 when you chose manage layers all of the elements that made up the product would show with colors chosen by the customer and you could change those colors if there was a mistake by the customer and now that function isn't there anymore, you just get a color wheel and not the admin defined colors that the customer can choose from. The color previously would change if so desired in the viewer but the thumbnail wouldn't update to the new color arrangement.

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Carl Jering posted 12 months ago


Activated theme twenty twenty-three to test the new website-editor from wordpress.

Consequence - fpd is gone on the product pages

Turn back to the old theme - fpd is also back

=> Is fpd v6 compatible with block themes?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin

1. For those you are still having issues with the woocommerce currency in FPD, please open a support ticket.

2. I will add create a shortcode for the view thumbnails, so you can add anywhere in your site.

1 Votes


nbdayan posted 12 months ago

This bug was not fixed: Bug: WooCommerce currency did not work with fpd shortcode 

You fixed the product shortcode but it still does not work with the shortcode to add images, add text, edit text and edit layers.

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Leif Nielsen posted 12 months ago

Plese bring back the icons..... My entire site depends on them

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Tas Zsolt posted 12 months ago

After updating to the newest fpd version, when I add a customized product to the cart and navigating to the cart page, the following error appears instead of the cart items:

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /wp-includes/formatting.php on line 3425

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin

@Jochen I found the bug. I will update the plugin soon. To make it working without error right now, just disable cart "Customized Product Thumbnail" option in Settings > WooCommerce > Cart.

2 Votes


Jochen Schleicher posted 12 months ago

Hi, when adding a custom product to the cart and switching to the cart page it will end up with an error in the serverlog and a few more

" mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, bool given in /serverpath/wp-includes/formatting.php:3466, referer: https://domain.com/product/ "

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin

Just uploaded a fix for the price display bug. The version number did not change, so please reinstall the plugin. Maybe clear your cache.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin

The users who are having the issue with the currency display, please open a support ticket with your wp login credentials so we can investigate the issue in your site.

1 Votes


Alina posted 12 months ago

This update did not resolve the issue. I also have the same problem. I updated the plugin, I deleted the cache, I tried incognito mode and there is no change

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Bianca Valk posted 12 months ago

Also text in the info content box in not showed - see picture

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Brendan posted 12 months ago

when uploading an image on desktop or mobile and then trying to move or resize the image I get this box over the entire screen. Then can't resize.   Any way to change this? 

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Bianca Valk posted 12 months ago

I have also the problem with the currency changing but after when I put the product in the cart it is € again.

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Glenn Holberg posted 12 months ago

When product is added to the cart the thumbnail comes in larger than the assigned size in the settings.

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V.I. posted 12 months ago

I still have this problem too.

0 Votes


Faiss posted 12 months ago

I stil have this problem my currency is the Euro it shows everywhere but when I go to the designer it changes to dollar

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