
Posted 12 months ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

  • Bug: Option "Customize Button: Variation Needed" stopped working.

  • JS code split into separate JS files

  • New option "Custom Text As Textbox": Add custom text as textbox (the max. width can be adjusted by side controls)

  • Adding a custom text (textbox), curved options were not available

  • When "Fit Images into Canvas" is enabled, clicking undo resets the size of an image

  • Element title in text-layers module added

  • Label added for done button in modal mode

  • babel plugin added so older safari versions are support (private class methods)

  • Polyfill rect method for roundRect method in CanvasRenderingContext2D added

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Marco posted 12 months ago

Hello RadyKal, 

Thank you for the fast rollout of updates and fixes. I installed 6.0.2 and notice that the cart page is blank when an FPD product is added to the cart.

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Glenn Holberg posted 12 months ago


I uploaded the latest release to my staging site and when I made changes to my product views and then tried to add it to the cart it would just hang up and not add to the cart. (6.0.2)

There doesn't seem to be a way for the customer to  save designs anymore, has that been deleted? I also don't care for the added bar at top of the designer window( file on one side and 3 dots on the other).This shows above the manage layers box, is there a way to remove that since I couldn't find it in the UI composer.

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V.I. posted 12 months ago

There is a problem with the TextBox: If I have set a number of lines and the client continues to enter text, the width of the textbox is no longer fixed, it increases. If the client deletes the text from the example to enter his text, when the textbox width is reached, another line is not created, the textbox width is increased and continues on a single line. This is a bad thing.

It seems that version 6.0.2 replaces the currency symbol set in woocommerce with the dollar symbol "$" in the product page with FPD enabled. Why?

If you use FPD in the lightbox, the canvas width is larger than the one set in the product builder. I have sent video examples from your demo site in ticket #88690

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henry dunbar posted 12 months ago

Hi RadyKal,
Thank you! The curved text is now enabled but it still doesn't work. The text is auto positioned incorrectly on the circle and the bounding box currently surrounds the entire circle of the curved text. The way curved text used to work was better. The actual curving has been improved in this one by having the text curve along it's vertical center so a combo of the two would be ideal.

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Jochen Schleicher posted 12 months ago

Hello RadyKal, thank you for your great work. I just installed 6.0.2 and noticed that the "Share" Button is displayed but stuck at "An unique URL to share will be created for you..." creating Link.

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