
Posted over 1 year ago by Rafael D

Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

Bugs fixed

- Some old code related with depositphotos were causing an error

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Denis Limacher posted over 1 year ago


I have now solved a new support subscription and I am glad if you answer my request


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Denis Limacher posted over 1 year ago


Will there be another answer to my question?

And can I switch back to an older version?


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 1 year ago Admin

@flax The update V4.8.3 includes the fix.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 1 year ago Admin

Thanks for reporting. I just found the bug and the next update which will be released in next days will include the fix.

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Denis Limacher posted over 1 year ago


Would you guys do much work to reimplement depositphotos?

We miss this since the last updates and only with pixabay the selection is very sparse and the use of these images for commercial purposes is not legally allowed.

Thank you for a more professional range of image providers which will be available in the future.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 1 year ago Admin

@flax250 I will check that out for the next update. 

1 Votes


flax250 posted over 1 year ago

I keep noticing a problem, with the new updates the functionality to edit the "Names and Numbers Form" after receiving an order has disappeared.

It used to be possible to place the order in Woocommerce from the admin side backend, click on "Load in order viewer", when loading the product the section would appear to edit the list of names and numbers made by the customer and then save the order correctly.

Now only the levels appear, but no longer the form.

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