loading/progress bar

Posted over 3 years ago by Filipe André Ribeiro Pacheco

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Filipe André Ribeiro Pacheco


I would like to suggest to be added loading/progress bar in some steps.

Some steps that I notice are very confusing to clients is when they click on the image to add to the upload zone, sometimes it takes a few seconds and they don't give enough time to it. there should be some way to block the screen with progress bar, or loading icon.


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Sorted by
Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 3 years ago Admin

Added in V4.6.8

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Filipe André Ribeiro Pacheco posted over 3 years ago

it is difficult to undestand on the video because you can't see when I click the picture but it takes a while to place the image on the upload area. The client usually clicks several times and the site crashes

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Filipe André Ribeiro Pacheco posted over 3 years ago

It only happens on mobile.

On desktop it show a loading icon

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin

Could you do a screencast and post it here what you mean exactly!

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