
Posted almost 4 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

New Features

- Create own text templates for the Text module (Text Templates tab in Settings) 

- Multiple Elements Selection: Select multiple elements in the frontend with mouse (Hold-Down) or touch gestures on mobile (enable in Advanced settings) 

- New element property „Fixed“: Keep the element on product change (enable in General tab in Product Builder backend) 

- Set Corner Controls style: Basic (Rescale and Rotate), Advanced (Rescale, Rotate, Delete, Duplicate) (set in General settings) 

- New UI Theme „Doyle“: Created by our support team member Rhiannon Doyle (set in General settings) 

- The max. height is now automatically calculated ( 80% of window height) 

- Deprecated Toolbar is removed in UI Composer 

- FabricJS version 3.+ is now loaded by default 

Bugs fixed

- getProductDataURL() method not working correctly in Safari 14 

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