Define rules for the name of the file to download

Posted almost 4 years ago by Stephane Lapointe

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Stephane Lapointe


It would be interesting to be able to define an output name for the files to download. Currently, the file name is always "Product".

Define rules for files. Ex. Date, hour, second (PHP format), prefix and/or suffix, random number (hexadecimal), etc.

thank you,

4 Votes


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dan marshall posted over 1 year ago

did this ever happen? would like to be able to define what the output file name is. Have to manually adjust them all still - leaving room for human error...

0 Votes


Turquess posted almost 2 years ago

It says that the name is for customers only. But I think that many of us want this name for admin users. I'm using Export Pro add-on and it would be great to change name of filename. The name of FPD Product would be great too.

1 Votes


Arpadius Aart posted about 2 years ago

In this screenshot it seems like there are options to set the filename as "date", "product ID", "product title" or "product slug".
However, I don't see any option to set the "WooCommerce order ID" as filename.

Is there a way to store the file with a filename "WooCommerce order ID" + "date" and export it to dropbox, for example?

Thank you very much in advance for your help & answers!

1 Votes


Daniel Wiesner posted about 2 years ago


Hi, hope you can help me.

Unfortunately that doesn't work. The export files are still named Order number_DesignID
I use Product_%title_%id.

I need to change the name. I need the SKU included.




1 Votes


DRD Solution posted about 3 years ago

 Hello Johan,

To change filename, please check attached screenshot.


Attachments (1)

0 Votes


Johan Wiberg posted over 3 years ago

I cant find where I customize the filename. Is there any instructions?

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin

Added in V4.5.6

0 Votes


Daniel Vidal Reis posted almost 4 years ago

I'm creating a website where the client creates his art and downloads it in pdf ready for printing with the export addon it would be wonderful if the download pdf file had the name of the fancy product

0 Votes


Endre Utchay posted almost 4 years ago

Is there a hook to create a custom function to set the output file name as we like?

It would be superb if we could put woocommerce order and product data into the filename.

Thanks and regards,


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