Ability to change font size, line height and line spacing in text boxes from front-end

Posted over 4 years ago by Aaron

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 Currently you cannot change the font size, line height or line spacing within a text box on the front-end. My customers are complaining and it doesnt make sense to restrict them from being able to change font size within a text box. Please turn on this feature.

1 Votes


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Joe Hewes posted over 4 years ago

Cant' wait to try this one out :)

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin

Added in V4.3.8

0 Votes


Aaron posted over 4 years ago

As you can see this is an issue. Please make it so we can have font size/line height/spacing within text boxes on the front end.

0 Votes


ruth cohen posted over 4 years ago

I can't publish the new site when the customer can't change the size of the fonts.
Using our site, the customer requires to change:
1. Font
2. Font size
3. The font color,
those are the features we need.

Thanks for understanding


0 Votes


ruth cohen posted over 4 years ago

I agree I didn't notice it till you mentioned!
Why is the customer can't change the font size? What's about if they have a short or long name?

Please this is very important!



0 Votes


Aaron posted over 4 years ago

I really need the FPD community to help me out here. Please vote for this update. I cannot understand why we would not want our customers to be able to change the font size within a text box.

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