Lock order design after payment

Posted over 4 years ago by Danny

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Hi, A very obvious feature thus plugin should have fory opinion, option to lock the entire order for design after payment. This feature is requested because, if you add the download button after payment and you don't want the client to continue designing the customized product he paid for and then keep downloading the new designed product, this is unacceptable. Thank you in advance.

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Olivia posted about 3 years ago

HI Danny, 

i'm using FPD with Woocommerce, i had the same issue and found a way to do that.

In the file : fpd/woo/class-wc-product.php

I edit the lines 225 > 247 with this code :

if( $order && $order->is_paid() ) {


      FPD_Frontend_Product::$remove_watermark = true;

      if( $product->is_downloadable() ) :

       $dlbutton = do_shortcode( '[fpd_action type="download" layout="icon-text"]' ); 


      <style>.fpd-product-designer-wrapper{display:none !important; visibility: hidden !important;}; </style>

      <span id="fpd-extern-download-png" class="fpd-blue-btn" style="display: inline-block; margin: 10px 10px 10px 0;color: #fff;"><?php echo $dlbutton; ?></span>




     else {

      FPD_Frontend_Product::$remove_watermark = false;



     $allowed_edit_status = array(



Hope this helps ;)


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin

You can modify the CSS by applying the pointer-events only to the .fpd-product-stage:

.fpd-order-display #fpd-extern-download-pdf + .fpd-product-designer-wrapper .fpd-product-stage { 
pointer-events: none !important;

0 Votes


AAdrien posted over 3 years ago

Hello, would love to see that option too. Any news please?

0 Votes


Eoin Brennan posted over 3 years ago


Any update on this? I have same issue.


0 Votes


Danny posted about 4 years ago

Is that possible by css or any other option?

0 Votes


Danny posted about 4 years ago

Hi, In addition to the previous comment, Even if I can use the css to hide product designer but show only the download button (number 2 which gives the option downloading png), will be a good solution otherwise weissed the whole point.

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Danny posted about 4 years ago

Hi rady kal, The one disabling pointer events is great! But… the entire wrapper disgner freezes and when the client wants to get his product in png he can't do that because button number 2 (in the uploaded picture) is freezed too and button number 1 downloading only pdf. How can I make the entire wrapper designer freezed but leave only the download button number 2 clickable? Or change button number 1 to download png? Thank you in advance!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 4 years ago Admin

You can do that with some custom CSS:

Hide product designer:

.fpd-order-display #fpd-extern-download-pdf + .fpd-product-designer-wrapper { display: none !important;}

or disable pointer events:

.fpd-order-display #fpd-extern-download-pdf + .fpd-product-designer-wrapper * { pointer-events: none !important;}

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