
Posted over 4 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

New Features

- New Reactive UI for Products, Product Builder, UI Composer, Designs added. Now it looks equal with our ADMIN solution.

- Shortcode Builder is now added to Status & Tools page 

- Labels added for saved designs https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/a/forums/topics/13000025164

Bugs fixed

- Show only item colors in cart not working correctly

- Displaying all colors of SVG in cart

- Default value for Output File in Automated Export was wrong

- When setting Bounding Box to „Use Main Options“ in the Individual Product Settings, the individual bounding box was still applied to the product 

- Remove non-existing image from browser storage 

- Undo-ing an element added to an upload zone, caused an error 

4 Votes