
Posted over 5 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

New Features

- Download added images by the customers via link in the order panel https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000023272

- Cross-Sells Display: Display Cross-Sells products when customers adds a product with linked Cross-Sells products to the cart (Doc: https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/solutions/articles/13000063182-displaying-cross-sells-products-when-adding-a-product-to-the-cart) https://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/5000048216

Bugs fixed

- PHP Warning in PHP7.3 with less parser 

- Sidebar in product builder could not be fully scrolled when canvas height is low 

- When resetting image with bounding box, the scale mode was not applied on the reseted element

- Max. font size for textbox is limited to 200, otherwise the browser crashes

- When downloading a SVG or single view as bitmap, the watermark was not added in the frontend

- Image was cut off when downloading a PDF on retina displays on frontend

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