Print ready transparent png export

Posted over 5 years ago by Kate O'Brien

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Kate O'Brien

Currently the png export in the Print Ready Admin export function exports the file with a white background, which requires

the file to be edited before printing, and thus not print ready.

It would be tremendously helpful if this png export was in fact transparent. 

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Albert Verbrugge posted over 2 years ago

Hello, for some reason i cannot get print ready export transparent files.

Normally when something is added at the shirts and i want to print i get files without background.

Now i get files with the background of the shirt.

What do i wrong.

regards Albert

0 Votes


Max Ehle posted over 3 years ago


Im just trying to export the print to png and it's with a color in the background. Is this problem with transparency and png not solved? 

When I do some prints and exports to png the only color that gets transparency is white. But white is not the background color. I attach an image with a transparent text, the text is white. as an example.



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Sebastian posted about 5 years ago

The same issue, white background in Photoshop.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

@Kate Could you please post your PNG here. I notice that you see a white background in Photoshop, but when open the PNG in the browser it does not show the white background.

0 Votes


Kate O'Brien posted over 5 years ago

Hi there,

I've just tested this and am still getting png files downloaded with a white background? Is there an update we need to run?



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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

It should work now. Please create a print-ready PNG file.

0 Votes


Yet Another Tech posted over 5 years ago

Transparency is possible in PDF and its likely a viewer problem. It may be that we need to set things differently in the output file IF there is actually a problem. A very precursory search into background transparency turned up and article about PDF transparency

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Nick hooykaas posted over 5 years ago

I am planning that customer print ready orders go direct from my site to my DTG dropship company and can not have this problem!

0 Votes


Ivan Marik posted over 5 years ago

A response would be great considering this is holding up my project.. PLEASE!

0 Votes


Ivan Marik posted over 5 years ago

How is this considered print ready when there is a white background on the png? What happens if someone adds white text? Then you just get a white box, that’s what happens! How do you even edit that in photoshop or anything?? Please help me understand why this is part of this?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

Yes I also notice it, in the new code it replaces all #ffffff with transparency. So I am going to remove this approach again. The plugin is that the server converts the pdf to png, and the pdf pages are having a white background. I need to find a solution how to remove that white background from the pdf without effecting white parts of the embedded images.

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Kate O'Brien posted over 5 years ago

Thank you for looking into implementing this. We've just been doing some testing and the png export now removes all white from the files. 

So if the artwork is just some white text on a transparent background - we are seeing empty files come through. 

We also noticed that in some occasions lighter colours that aren't true white (#fffff) are also being removed. See example file attached.

It would be brilliant if there was a solution that didn't remove any white in the original transparent file uploaded by the customer, but that just the white background that is added on export isn't added to .png files. 

Many thanks


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