Global Colour Sets

Posted over 5 years ago by Jonathan Matlock

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Jonathan Matlock

Our store uses a standard set of colours for each product. Currently, I have to go into each image layer and add these colours manually. Which isn't a big deal in itself, until we want to add a new colour! Then I have to go into each image layer of each product and add or update the list of colours. It would be really helpful, and time-saving, if we could create global colour sets that I could update in one place and have it automatically update the colour options for every product using that set. Multiple colour sets would be ideal, as some products use different sets of colours.

Thank you for considering this in future versions.



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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

Since the last update you find in the global settings - element options some options to set a global color palette for all texts and images.

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