Full Gravity Form Integration

Posted almost 6 years ago by Greg

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I propose full Gravity Form integration.

While working with the current gravity from integration I found its limited to what you can do.  First thing I noticed is the designer must be before or after the form.  This does not allow to create the form with designer anyway you want.   Second thing I found that it does not allow you send email notification with an image of the design; you must log into to see the design.   Last thing that I noticed it not a true integration you can use gravity functions such as conditional logic, or drag fields in.   I thought it would be nice to be able to use conditional logic to show certain products colors and what not in fancy product designer.

Proposed Functions:

  • Integration of Fancy Product Design short codes using Gravity Forms fields inserter.
  • Settings control on Fancy Product Design:  Normal Individual Product Settings that you see on page on the form.
  • Attached PDF of design to notifications. 

Future Functions:
  • Conditional logic control of Fancy Product Design: The ability to link certain products, views, colors ext to certain form fields.
  • Multiply Products to the form

Notes:  I was thinking if you had the full settings FPD, and multiple FPD; you could use conditional logic to show one or the other.   For instance if you had two products you could add them both into the form with different settings.  Then you can use a drop down or toggle with conditional logic to display or not display certain products. 

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Mike koonce posted about 3 years ago

Does anybody knows if it's fully integrable with Gravity forms now?

We are working with gravity form to make the bundles, but the issue with gravity forms is that it does not affect the inventory, is connecting FPD with Gravity forms able to create a multi step bundle creation with different products and once the purchase made the product inventory is updated. Is that possible with any add on?

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Roderick Geis posted almost 5 years ago

radykal, I see that you implemented a PDF functionality.  What I am not sure about is if you have actually provided an integration to use Gravity Forms to fill out data that is then used inside of FPD.  This was the main functionality that was described in the original post.Please provide an update.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 5 years ago Admin

The Print-Ready export with automated mail export is now available as own add-on for WordPress. This also allows to attach the PDF to a Gravity Form admin notification.


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Greg posted almost 6 years ago

PDF function is the number one function I would like to see.

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Fulvio posted almost 6 years ago

I'm really interested to attached PDF of design to notifications. It would be very useful....

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