Customization Required and NOT as Required Option for Fancy Product Designer in Individual Product Settings

Posted over 6 years ago by Angel Nanchev

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Angel Nanchev


I have contacted the support team and receive suggestion to open topic for my request.

My problem is that i have items that require customization and other items that doesn't require customization. Like a blank t-shirt that have to be customized and t-shirt with design on the front side and for the back side of it, it is clients'choice whether to customize or not.

I have many blank products on my web site, that i sell them with required customization, but also same products with already printed design on the front and optional customization for the back side.

So please support me to add this option "Customization Required" in individual Product settings for the future updates.



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Angel Nanchev posted about 6 years ago


It's been 2 months now, when exactly we can expect version V3.7.3  to be able to control the above mentioned settings? 

Also do you know which currency plugin actually is compatible with FPD? I have tried 3 different plugins and still have difficulties with them, when the currency is changed. For example , in my web page to add picture is 5 euro and if i change the currency it is supposed to be $5.97, but no it is still just $5. And if i use Norwegian krone, it is even worst. Instead of adding 47 krones, it just adds 5 krones. So if you know some compatible with FPD plugin, can you tell me which one is?



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Angel Nanchev posted over 6 years ago

Thank you so much.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

Included in V3.7.3

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