Shown all the elements in the "Orders" options

Posted over 6 years ago by Fabiocid

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I need a way for check the differents colors of the products (In my case, color of the Logo and T-Shirt) inside the PDF order or Packing list, at the moment I can only see the chosen colors pushing the option "Load in the order viewer" and check "Singles elements" > Added By Customer.


I need a way to add this elements to my PDF orders. May a option to show the added elements inside the PDF or Picking List?

May also can check the differents singles SKU in "Design options"?



Any ideas how we get around this?

Many thx!

3 Votes


Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

You can select the elements in the canvas and when you select one, you can see the chosen colors in the "Single Element" tab.

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