Change text on canvas via text field

Posted over 6 years ago by bret konsdorf

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bret konsdorf

Someone created something similar for shopify using FPD, I really wish this option was standard.

I would pay to have this implemented.  

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Maarten Schraven posted 8 months ago

it is also possible to adjust a text field that changes multiple texts at the same time. I am working on making name stickers. There are 10 stickers on 1 sheet with the same text (name). I want to change all these names at once with a text field.

1 Votes


chosungha posted over 6 years ago

Please Just could you help us to have the same position of Text layer like your example

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

1. Thanks, I will fix this in next update.

2. The headings are hidden with custom CSS in my demo.

0 Votes


Ken Gamble posted over 6 years ago

Also I have noticed that on your business card version the fields don't have headings on?

Where is the toggle to turn this on/off?

0 Votes


Ken Gamble posted over 6 years ago

Just looking at this and if you change the text via the original text tool the text in the "new boxes" doesn't update.

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

I just explained how to do that in my last comment in this thread, if you are still struggling with this, please open a support ticket.

0 Votes


didier posted over 6 years ago

Many thank you for this new module !

Please Just could you help us to have the same position of Text layer like your example



0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

Go to Products in FPD backend and in the top-right corner you find the shortcodes button. Click the button and for the module shortcode select Text Layers. Then copy shortcode and place in the product short description.

0 Votes


bret konsdorf posted over 6 years ago

Fantastic! Thanks radykal

0 Votes


didier posted over 6 years ago

Hello Johnny,

How I can have the same result of new module of your demo ?

Thank you

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

Included in V3.7.2

New module added to display only editable text layers. See demo:

0 Votes


bret konsdorf posted over 6 years ago

it looks like they are targeting things on the canvas with a "data-target". anyway to do this on the wordpress version radykal?

0 Votes


bret konsdorf posted over 6 years ago

looks like radykal liked the comment/post so I think that improves the chances of it happening! haha 

0 Votes


Michael posted over 6 years ago

Yes, I have the same problem. please add this function or explain how to create it yourself. I would pay for it too.

0 Votes

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