Loading saved design does not load right product

Posted over 6 years ago by Andreas

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When a customer saves a design, he/she can access that design from a different product page.

It loads the saved FPD product and design, but does not load the WooCommerce-product.

They can design expensive products, and lot it on a cheap one, to cheat the price and pay less.

Yes, the name would be different, but it would create a lot of confusion when we handle order and produce the item.

Possible fixes:

  1. Redirect to the original saved product page when loading design
  2. Only display saved designs for the product being viewed
  3. Load the saved design onto the new product (would be perfect, but understandably requires more changes, splitting customer added design and product background/elements)

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

Fixed in V3.6.5

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

Do you have this option enabled? See screenshot.

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Andreas posted over 6 years ago

I don’t understand, the issue here is that a different products design is loaded onto the wrong product container, with no information about what product it is intended for or was originally.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

I think you have this problem when you store the users designs in the account of the user by enabling "Account Product Storage"?!

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Steven Tsai posted over 6 years ago

yes, this is exactly what we are facing too, we have more then 10 products and when loading a saved customized product, it is not going back to it's original saved product page when loading the design, and causing a big problem for our consumers.

It would be really good if it's possible to redirect to the original saved product page when loading the design.

Kindly assist or anyway we can fix this problem?


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