
Posted over 7 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin


- Variations are now included when sharing the product via social networks http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/discussions/topics/13000005736

- Letter-Spacing tool can now be excluded via Composer http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/discussions/topics/13000013950

- Option „Fit into Canvas“ for custom added images and designs http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/discussions/topics/13000013925

Bugs fixed

- Cart Item URL not working properly with WPML

- Calculation tax issue when prices exclusive of taxes 

- Working with WooCommerce 3 now

- Importing a demo did not work on fresh installation, because views database table is not installed

- Shortcode orders database is not installed on new installation

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