Item count Bulk order (Plus)

Posted over 7 years ago by Nacho

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My online store offers free shipping for orders with 4 or more items. Adding more than four variations via the Bulk order form only adds one item to the cart, so the condition for free shipping is not met.

Please increase the item count for WooCommerce to the actual number of items purchased, so that it's possible to use functionality like shipping fee discounts.

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Mary-Ann Zykin posted over 6 years ago

+1 on this thread. I'm running into the same exact issue. The Plus add-on does not work as described. I have a variable product with dynamic discounts based on quantity ordered—everything works just fine without the Plus add-on enabled. However, I need the addon to allow users to be able to order variations in bulk. When selecting and adding bulk variations, the price on the page changes to reflect the new quantities, but when I click "Add To Cart", only 1 item is added to the cart. 

The CodeCanyon download is still at version 1.0.0.

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Winson posted almost 7 years ago

I don't think the Envato download file is correct. File Name is the same as the first time I downloaded. 


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Winson posted almost 7 years ago

I downloaded and installed new Envato update, Plugin Page still shows FPD Plus as 1.0.0 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

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Alexis Fibelkorn posted almost 7 years ago

Sorry, how can I install this update? Envato has a email-info for the update, but in wordpress comes not a info or a link for the upgrade. Normaly comes a info in the plugins area?

thx Alexis

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

Coming in version 1.1.3 of Plus Add-on, Fancy Product Designer V3.5.2 is required for that update.

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Caesar posted about 7 years ago

I have to agree with this feature. This plugin is basically useless for those who want to have variable shipping options within their store based on item count and so on. I originally informed them of what I think is a bug and they say it's needs to be submitted as a feature request. I would understand if this was implemented from the start and just had bugs, but for it not to be a default feature really doesn't help and makes me feel that I wasted money on a plugin that doesn't work.

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