Positioning Actions

Posted almost 8 years ago by Rhiannon Doyle

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Rhiannon Doyle Admin

 I'd really like a setting to position action outside of the mainWrapper - similar to Views.


1 Votes


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Joao Figueiredo posted almost 7 years ago

Is it possible to add new shortcodes so we can add the image actions outside of the main wrapper? Sometimes a user uploads a huge image and the image actions aren't visible on stage which cause perception problems...

0 Votes


Rhiannon Doyle posted about 7 years ago Admin

Thank you!


0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 7 years ago Admin

There is a button to create the shortcode easily.

0 Votes


Rhiannon Doyle posted about 7 years ago Admin

Hi is there a setting for this or is it just the same as main bar shortcode?eg [fpd_action_buttons]


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 7 years ago Admin

Included in V3.4.3. You are able to create action buttons via shortcodes.

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