Show Color Names NOT Hex Codes in Order Viewer and Color Names in PDF Page

Posted almost 8 years ago by Evan Henry

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Evan Henry
Evan Henry

Our workflow has come to a complete stop due to color's selected in product builder not showing their 'textual' values in both builder view and .PDF view when an order is placed. 

Order Viewer Screenshot -

Showing hex codes have names associates -

3 Votes


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 6 years ago Admin

Included in V3.6.3

0 Votes


Gabriel posted about 7 years ago

I can imagine that it's difficult to implement this with the random name we entered at the settings. But a script which changes a HEX code into a random name just for the confirmation mail would help for now. Like a script for the woocommerce order output value "if variation_id == '#009B77' then output 'Pantone355" for example. Let's hope someone will find a solution for this...

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Evan Henry

Evan Henry posted about 7 years ago

Yeah its been 10 months and i've had to renew support twice in hopes to have this possible but crickets and excuses from developers - sucks BIG TIME :/

0 Votes


Gabriel posted about 7 years ago

It would be great if someone could help with this!

0 Votes


Isaia Flores posted over 7 years ago

Any Idea how to do this 

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