
Posted about 8 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

New Features

- Option to add the open graph image meta text for Facebook

- Exporting a SVG will now open the download dialog instead of opening it in a new tab

- Set the toolbar placement in the composer

- Exclude single tools from the toolbar via the composer

- New top bar layouts, the off-canvas as option for top bar layout

- Option to close the dialog as soon as an element is added to the stage

- Set the cart item thumbnail dimensions http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/discussions/topics/13000001686#

- New UI for manage design categories. Manage your design categories easily and fast via an innovative user interface in the Fancy Designs page

- Now you can set a global product designer across all WooCommerce products easily

- You can include a summary page in the exported PDF that shows relevant information about all elements http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/discussions/topics/5000066855

- Custom modal boxes for prompt, alert and confirm in the admin

- Option to toggle touch scrolling on canvas http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/discussions/topics/13000005168/page/last#


Bugs fixed

- Column issue in woocommerce order details when order includes FPD order with a Non-FPD order item

- Hitting backspace in a number input when editing a text element deleted it

- Clicking on stage off canvas menu closes the off canvas in certain situations

- When upload zone is selected and open a dialog to add something from there, it was into the upload zone

- Price handling not working correctly with upload zones

- Upload zones with an opacity were not clickable

- Panning for zoom action not working well with large stages

- Auto-Select issue with text elements

- Auto-Colorpicker for every path for custom uploaded svg images

4 Votes