Type Text Directly in Manage Layers Module

Posted about 8 years ago by Andres

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I'm not sure if this is possible already, but it would help if a customer can just click on the predefined editable text in the 'Manage Layers' module to edit the text instead of selecting it and then clicking on the Edit Text button that shows up on the popup.

7 Votes


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Jelmer de Jong posted almost 7 years ago

Nice addition. Thanks Radykal.

One small suggestion: is it possible to add a little mark in the corner to drag and expand the text box somewhat? You see this often with text boxes on websites.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 7 years ago Admin

Included in V3.4.9

0 Votes


Yolen posted about 7 years ago

wow, thanks for answering Oktay! Congratulations! 

Can I have the code as is, with no expectations of support or QA yet? I would just be excited to have it at this point. Let me know payment details. I can pay via paypal credit card, etc. just let me know :-)



0 Votes

Oktay Acikalin

Oktay Acikalin posted about 7 years ago

I'm still on parental leave. I will be slowly coming back to work starting in August. Is it ok to postpone the release of my module until then? If it's urgent, I could provide you the code as is. Just keep in mind that it's not thru QA yet and it might take some days to answer support requests.

0 Votes


divij posted about 7 years ago

@Oval - Hi, Where exactly in the file do I need to place this code - i.mainBar.toggleUploadZonePanel(!1)),i.toolbar.update(b),B(b),$('.fpd-icon-text-input').eq(0).click()}

When I add the code, the plugin stops working. What's the exact position where we need to place this code?

0 Votes


Gloria posted about 7 years ago

I will be insterested in purchasing that plugin too

0 Votes


Yolen posted about 7 years ago

Hi Oktay, I would be interested in such a plugin. Is there a way to purchase?

0 Votes

Oktay Acikalin

Oktay Acikalin posted over 7 years ago

I've a plugin for WordPress ready (see my link above).

Would you be interested in it?

I could brush it up and put it on our site.

I guess this is where the FPD team could encourage building an ecosystem around it :)

0 Votes


Oval posted over 7 years ago

Andres, you may be interested  in that: http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/support/discussions/topics/13000006817

"a bit workaround for more clear curved text editing 

in file FancyProductDesigner-all.min.js add:


this force to click on EditTextTool button after click on curved text, so the customer can see where to edit text."

0 Votes


Andres posted over 7 years ago

Let us know if you make any progress on it, we would definitely be interested in this.  Also, it doesn't seem to work with the curved text; it'll update in the Layers and the popup will show the text but the image itself won't update to it. This seems to be the case with the Fancy Product Designer itself, as you can double click straight text on a design to edit it, but not on curved text either.

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Jelmer de Jong posted over 7 years ago

Yes, this could definitely be a useful addition!

0 Votes

Oktay Acikalin

Oktay Acikalin posted over 7 years ago

I'm currently working on some add-on code for this to happen.

Try clicking on a layer name here: https://www.screenart.media/branchen/baeckerei-konditorei/plakat-liebe-verschenken/

0 Votes


Lb Spirit posted about 8 years ago

Totally! This is a much more user friendly method. 

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