Hide Add-to-Cart button until product is customized.

Posted over 8 years ago by David Fozdar

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David Fozdar

I don't know if this is already possible, but it would be nice if we could hide the add-to-cart button until at least one image element is added in the FPD.

For example, in my application I would like the customer to have to hit the "Customize" button and then add at least one graphical element (text or image) before the add-to-cart button appears. Once they add a graphical element, the price is no longer zero and so the add-to-cart button will then appear. This is because, I do not sell blank printing materials (with a zero cost).

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Boban Jankovic posted over 2 years ago

Is there any new stand or solution here?

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Sven Pelgrims posted almost 3 years ago

Markus, i think they reorganized some options a while ago. Customization required is under Advanced => Miscellaneous

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Markus Dangl posted about 3 years ago

I can't find the "customization required" option in general settings!

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Anthony DeVito posted over 3 years ago

When I add an image to the fancy designer the ADD TO CART button then appears, which is what we want. However, if you delete the image from the fancy designer leaving a blank canvas the ADD TO CART button stays active and will allow the product to go to cart with no image.

I need the ADD TO CART Button to be inactive until there is an custom image in the design. How do I get the ADD TO CART BUTTON to be disabled if there is no image in the designer. 

Thank you for any help!

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Israel Luna posted over 3 years ago

Customization required goes to ANY customization. Whether that's changing a color or selecting an attribute (multstep case). I think what we want is for the image upload to be mandatory BEFORE adding to cart. This is useful for canvas prints, etc.

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ayauz posted over 5 years ago

I cannot find that "customization required" in general settings

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David Fozdar posted over 8 years ago

I understand. However, if the customer adds like one image or text box, then deletes it, the price still stays the same. It does not go back to zero.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

Thats possible, there is an option in general settings "Customization Required".

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David Fozdar posted over 8 years ago

I see how to hide the button until the customer hits the customize button then adds an initial element, which is a really really nice feature. I think it would be really awesome if we could build on this feature.

Say, for example, the customer adds an initial element, which increases the price from zero, then deletes it so the price goes back to zero. It would be really nice if we had to option to make the add-to-cart button would disappear anytime the price hits zero. At this point, the add-to-cart button remains after an initial element is added, even if the element is deleted and the price of the product goes back to zero.

Just a thought. Appreciate the hard work.

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