
Posted over 8 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

New Features

- Now you can enable a „GET A QUOTE“ button for all or individual products

- "Color Link Group" option added to main settings

- Now you can set the maximum allowed lines for a text element

Duplicate Fancy Product in Manage Products admin http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/discussions/topics/5000067618

- Design Sharing is now also available as shortcode [fpd_share]. You have to set a default featured image otherwise the image of the customized product will not be shared 

- When changing page without saving the customizations or checking out, the user will be notified about that. Can be toggled via an own option in the admin

New Module: Manage Layers

- Change color of an element via Manage Layers panel

- Close button for Stage Off-Canas

- Now the users can set a custom title when saving a product http://support.fancyproductdesigner.com/discussions/topics/5000059560#


Bugs fixed

- Product Builder: Adding an upload zone without any modifications did not save the image as upload zone

- Using the product designer with shortcodes without WooCommerce did not work

- Saving a template and creating a new product from it did not work without page reload

- Default font not considered in frontend when adding a custom text element

- Keyboard closes on Android

- Cover scale mode not working well for squared images

- Copyable option is enabled automatically to custom added elements

- When resizing the window and using the sidebar default, the layout did not change to sidebar layout from top bar layout in        smartphone view

- Wrong boundary width calculation when using custom fonts in text elements

- Clicking on Magnify Glass action hided sub-views

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