
Posted over 8 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin

New Features
  • Option „Uni-scaling Unlockable“ added to main and design settings
  • Tooltips added to the navigation items for sidebar layouts
  • "Color Link Group" option added to Design Categories options form
  • New option to set upload zones always on top


Bugs fixed

  • The selected modification were not saved correctly in product builder
  • Order Viewer not loading in Fancy Product Designer/Orders
  • CSS color parsing in UI&Layout Composer caused issues on some server environments 
  • Scale values are not saved in product builder for curved text elements
  • autoSelect not working correctly when using lightbox

  • Max. characters length was ignored for the text module 

  • Element Toolbar position is now always inside the visible window area

  • Cart: Displaying the colors of a SVG elements caused an PHP error

  • Add-to-cart and reloading the product not working correctly in Safari

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