Product width and height entered by the customer

Posted over 8 years ago by Rebecca Bellido

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Rebecca Bellido


first sory for my english...

We would like to know if you could develop a new functionality :

We sell product like baners, carpet, wallpaper, floor tile and other products with no defined size.

So we would like customer to be abble to enter the height and width they want for the product and after this to have the good price, and to be abble to customize it in the good size.

If you can develop this we can pay you for of course !

Thanks for your answer.

11 Votes


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stefan gutenstein posted almost 6 years ago


this was the function I was always looking for. However...when I check your demo I see a white field after adding a blank view. In my own stage I can't see this. I've added some predefined formats but on the stage they are invisible. Where ist the checkbox to make them visible?

And pleaeeeeaaase please make this funktion priceable.

Thanks alot.

0 Votes


laurent posted almost 6 years ago

That's what I'm looking for! 

And is the price adjustable to the view's size? If so, I immediatly purchase your awesome plugin!!!

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 6 years ago Admin

Included in the PLUS add-on (V1.1.7).


0 Votes


Kai Sagehorn posted over 6 years ago

If it is possible, to create something like this:

I would definitely buy this plugin!

0 Votes


Kai Sagehorn posted over 6 years ago


has the feature been implemented in FPD?

0 Votes


Ahmet Alphan AKAY posted over 6 years ago

Try UNICPO custom price calculation formuna plugin. I use it for my printshop. And it is very much better than gravity forms...

0 Votes


bret konsdorf posted over 6 years ago

This would be a great feature

0 Votes


flys posted almost 7 years ago

Robin; which version of gravity forms do you need to implement this?

0 Votes


Jason M posted over 8 years ago

Great Idea.

0 Votes

Robin Riegman

Robin Riegman posted over 8 years ago


I am currently doing this with gravity forms. I think this is the best way to do this, because you can create any formula you want to calculate the end price.

I would love to see this being implemented in FPD

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