Adding Attributes
First of all you need to create attributes for your variations. Please view the WooCommerce how to do that. Its only working with attributes that you create under WooCommerce → Attributes. In my Sneaker demo I created 2 Attributes: Material and Laces.
Adding Terms to your Attributes
In the next step you have to create the terms for your attributes. In my case I created 3 material terms for my "Material" attribute. You will also see 2 extra fields in the "Add-new" form. These fields are only coming up when Fancy Product Designer is activated.
Image URL
It allows to define an image for your term, this image will be added to the Product Designer when its selected by the customer.
Fancy Product Designer Options
The other field allows to define options for the image. You need to check the checkbox "Enable Options" if you want to add the defined image to the Product Designer. If you want to learn more about Element Options, please view this article.