View Icon's / thumbnails

Posted 12 months ago by Faiss

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Please bring back icons for the views.

it is hard to find the front or back for the t-shirt. 

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Danny posted 12 months ago

gryadn, thank you so much!

how can I remove the one inside the canvas? in the module options there is no "none" option but only inside right/left.

should I hide it with css?

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gryadn posted 12 months ago

Settings> Addons> View Thumbnails> After Product Designer

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Danny posted 12 months ago

rady kal, now we have 2 arrows inside the canvas which make it very difficult and really disturbing the flow of designing.

I tried to change it in the module settings as it was so far but it is not there anymore, only inside left/right options.

What can I do to put it outside (under) the canvas again?

Thank you.

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gryadn posted 12 months ago

View Selection Position Left-Right and None
-Off-Canvas Left, Does not activate without 2 Modules

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 12 months ago Admin

Added in V6.0.4

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